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Auenerlebnisbegleiter Horst JostenHorst Josten


Grown up in the Lower Rhine area and living close to the "Urdenbacher Kämpe" for more than 30 years I am quite familiar with the typical landscape with its poplar and willow trees, the wetlands and the Old Rhine. The regular flooding has created a manifold piece of nature, which offers new discoveries through the course of the year. If you are interested in landscape and nature, I would like to invite you to a guided tour to the area, throughout which we will explore the different habitats and enjoy the beauty of this unique piece of land.

Target Groups:
Adults, Düsseldorf tourists and other visitor groups

Formation history, landscape forms and fauna and flora of the Urdenbacher Kämpe and the adjacent areas of the wetlands and the Old Rhine

Guided tour in English:
The manifold faces of the Urdenbacher Kämpe

E-Mail: josten.horst@t-online.dezurück

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